Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Project For The Weekend!

Jake had this fun idea to let the girls make their own bird houses! Jake cut all the pieces and pre-drilled holes, so the girls could pound their nails in and build their own bird houses! What a fun project (and dad!)!

Now its time to paint!

All done!

This is Sierra's. She painted a dinosaur on the front.

This is Maddie's.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I just had to show everyone this cute picture that Sierra drew of ME! See the belly? How cute!

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Little Crafty Girl

I am very proud of Sierra's sailboat she made. She shut herself in the craft room, and went to town making this beauty! I love the cute steering wheel (or whatever you call them on boats). If you look hard, in the middle of the sail is a skull and crossbones. I guess this would be a pirate ship then! Love it!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Here are a bunch of random photos from the last few months. Enjoy!

Sierra crafted this witch all on her own. She designed it, cut and glued completely all by herself! Very proud mom moment!

Sierra drew these lovely designs all over their faces. Not exactly sure where I was during this fun time... probably napping.

The awesome outfit Maddie made for her baby!

Another look.

Sierra drew this picture. A girl riding her bicycle. Cute!

A dinosaur eating a person!

Just doing some finger painting.

She went out to play in the snow, but came back a super muddy mess!!!

Maddie is teaching her baby how to play the piano.

Maddies cute picture!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snow Drift Tunnel

A few days after Christmas, we had a nice blizzard blow through, which left us with a bunch of big snow drifts. We have a really big one right behind our house, so we thought it would be fun to make a tunnel through it.

The dos amigos digging the hole. Sierra is such a trooper in the cold. She loves being outside in the snow no matter what the temperature is. I think on this day the temp was single digits.

Maddie is more like me... we like to watch from inside the warm house.

Maddie decided that she had to at least try it out!

Of course there has to be a snowball fight before everyone heads back inside.