Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Just Another Day...

I found a snake in the house today. It must have been a baby because it was very small. I swept it into a bucket and let it go in the field out back. Just another day at the Montana Schall's house.


Lena Phillips said...

Haha.. glad that's not typical for my house.

Anonymous said...

I get snakes, but not in the house!

Anonymous said...

If he's not rattlin and rollin, he must be friendly! Mom used to have them come up the drain pipe into the kitchen sink, in the "good ole days" at the ranch. Love the pictures of your beautiful girls. Have a great day. Love to all, Grandma J.

Anonymous said...

aaahhh!!!!! I can't believe you had a snake in your house!!!! ... if I were to even see a snake in my yard.. i would freak!!!!!!!!

Deb said...

I get snakes, too. My consolation is that at least they eat mice!

Brandi Schall said...

I hate having cockroaches and spiders in the house! You are one tough chick, Brooke!