Jake built Sierra her own little house this weekend. He started it on Saturday and finished up on Sunday. Out our bedroom door is a nice cement slab - so we put it there. It is the perfect spot. Easy access for the girls and it is out back tucked away in a nice corner of our yard. Sierra loves it so much. We put all of her kitchen stuff in it, a rug, a chair and her babies. Sierra and Maddie played in there all day today. Sierra even wanted to go to bed in her new house. It turned out so cute. She even has her porch chair out front - Just like Papa and Mama.
holy crap man, your awesome!
Wow!!! That is so beautiful!! What lucky girls and what a talented father they have.
What a lucky girl! Good work Jake! I must say though, that my favorite part is the flowers--they just make it look like a home :)
So Cute!!!! I can see why Sierra loves it. She is such a little Suzie home maker. She will spend hours cooking for her papa.
Very cute.
When I ws a little girl I always wanted a playhouse.
Sierra looks like a happy camper in that picture! I am happy she loves it!
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! That is the best play house I've ever seen! You guys are great parents! I want to come play!
WoW Jake!Nice Job! Feel free to come over and build me one! I always wanted one, and now Brienne really wants one. Anyway, you did great!
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