Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My beloved Bozeman Hot Springs is gone. It caught on fire yesterday,and a good chunk of it is destroyed. What wasn't burnt was severely damaged from the smoke. I am pretty bummed about the whole thing. I worked there for over 2 years. Long enough to become the supervisor for the night crew. I met most of my good friends from working there. Now they have to tear part of it down, if not the whole thing. I really hope they rebuild someday.
It was a pretty exciting day yesterday - I was on the phone all day talking to person after person about the whole situation. I had 52 phone calls and 20 texts in about an 8 hour period. That is a ton for me! I guess it is good because now I can go to bed at a decent hour (I usually worked until about 1-2 am).
Here is link to the newspaper article in the local paper if anybody is interested in reading it. I am trying to find video footage from the news station. I had heard that they had some really good footage of the building in flames. If I find it, I will post it.


Anonymous said...

Oh No!!! Do they have any idea how and where the fire started? Had you been working that night? I am glad that no one was hurt.

Brooke said...

It started in the attic. They are not sure how yet. No I wasn't working.

Jamie said...

That's crazy.

Lena Phillips said...

Wow! That's so crazy! Most people only dream of having the building where they work start on fire and burn down. I hope they will be able to rebuild what was lost. That was a fun little place to go with the family.

Anonymous said...

Sad for their family and your loss of a job... and a gym... and social place to go!
I'm glad that you have the new job at least.

Very odd that it happened at all!

Brandi Schall said...

That is so crazy! It sounded like such a neat place, not to mention your job and everything! At least you made the friends and can get together away from work still :) Keep us updated on the story.

Deb said...

How sad.

Melissa said...

crazy! There were times when I was working that I wished the building would catch fire :-) Where are you going to work now?