Last week was the Ellison family reunion at the 71 Ranch near Elko Nevada. Jake's great grandpa Ellison bought the Spanish Ranch (Tuscarora Nevada) in 1935 (Sorry Margaret if I have the information wrong). The Ellison Ranching Company now has several ranches throughout Nevada. The 71 Ranch is a ranch the company bought and is turning it into a dude ranch. They have fixed it up and are ready for visitors. It is really a nice and relaxing place. We pretty much just sat around and visited and took a break from relaxing to eat. They have a cook at the ranch so all of our meals were very good and plentiful. The girls rode horses, played on the slip n slide and just ran around with all the other kids. It was really a great environment for a family reunion.
Sierra found a new best friend, Great Grandpa Jones. She wouldn't leave his side the whole time. She always made sure to save him a seat next to her at every meal.

That looks like so much fun.
How cute that the girls loved to ride the horse,
maybe it is in the genes...
Did they do a big group photo?
I'd love to see how eveyone has changed! :)
It looks like you had a great time.
I almost feel over when I looked at this post! Did you know that Jake and I are related?!?!?!?!? My moms side of the family are the Ellisons. We have actually gone to the ranch more than once for the reunion! We must be directly and closely related! HOLY COW! Now I want to look into our family lines and see HOW we are related! Small world. Even more reason to call you family! loves Jordan
That looks like so much fun! I'll have to show the girls the pictures of their cousins riding the big horse. I'm sure Elsa will be so envious!
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