Friday's have now turned into 'craft day' at our house. I spend Thursdays cleaning up the house to get ready for Friday, a full day of nothing but relax and enjoy! Usually it is just me crafting away, but slowly the girls have been crafting with me. Today was a 'craft day' dedicated to my two girls. We started out by making blackberry jam- I know, not a craft, but a homemakers kind of thing. Sort of fits with the craft theme. I have never had blackberry jam, and it is very good, especially after you add the sugar ;). The girls wanted to lick the bowl.
Then it was card time (I had to squeeze a little craft in for myself, it is craft day after all)! I gave the girls some paper, ribbon, punches, scissors, and glue and they went to town. I think Maddie used up a whole roll of ribbon, and I'm pretty sure Sierra went through a whole stick of glue. They had tons of fun.

Next was beading time. Sierra has been dying to do some beading. So I finally broke out the beads. Sierra didn't need any help at all. I thought she might need a little, but she didn't want any. Maddie needed help and quickly got bored. Sierra was very patient. It took her about an hour to make a bracelet, but she didn't get frustrated once. I was impressed.
BTW: Sierra is now a princess. She always wears her crown (even to bed), she dresses in gowns and wears high heels. Sometimes she does a little magic with her wand as well. Oh boy!