My dad was here a few days ago for a visit. When he got here he wanted to go down to the river to take some pics. So down to the river we went. On our way back, in the field right behind our house, I saw something that looked like bear poop. I asked Jake if that is what it was - he didn't think so - it just doesn't seem like we would have bears around. Well, a few days later, we were talking to Jake's 'good friend' the farmer - he warned us to be careful if we go down to the river because there was a bear around. I guess the bear ate a few of the beavers that live down there and has been eating the farmers apples - and has left plenty of evidence along the way. So, I guess that really was bear poop behind my house. It makes me a little uneasy about having a bear around. I just wish I knew if he was still around or not.
What kind of bears do the have up there? We have seen plenty of black bears in CA while camping and stuff. They just ignore you (so far, for us, at least) but if it was a grizzly or something I would be nervous.
Can anyone shed some light on the type around the area?
mostly black bears. there are some grizzlies around, but they don't come down this far.
Wow, I have no concept of this-- I am such a "city girl" but it sounds frightening! Hopefully they will move on from your backyard area. Keep us updated, if there is any news. I love all your wildlife adventures!
dad looks so proud of his grandbabies.
You really are living the the woods. We are supposed to get snow Monday - I'll bet you will be right there with us. Be careful of the bears until they decide it is cold enough to hibernate. I love the pics of your girls.
Your dad sure does look proud! :) How cute.
And when it comes to the bears.. thats pretty scary! Don't mess with the bears.
Hey Brooke,
Thanks for commenting on my blog. It is really fun to be in touch with you after all of these years. Your dad looks exactly as I remember him, does he age at all? :)
I hope you can stay clear of the bear. Reminds me of a Soprano's episode.
I am curious what you guys are doing up in Montana? Where does Jake work? Are you settled up there?
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