Saturday, October 6, 2007


Our first snowfall of the season has arrived - right on time. It seems like we usually get some snow before Sierra's birthday.


Jamie said...

How exciting! It has been snow/raining all this morning around here. Its pretty chilly. I bet sierra is loving the snow for a change! :)

Deb said...

She is so cute. I'm not so sure about the snow.

Lena Phillips said...

How precious. What a pretty girl. You guys got a lot more snow than we did. Ours didn't even stick for long.

Anonymous said...

I say- "too early for snow"!
But then, what can you do about it?

Anonymous said...

It looks like Sierra is sure enjoying the snow. How fun for her.

Brandi Schall said...

I'm not going to let Olivia see these pics, she would be sooo jealous! I think it looks fun and we can't wait for our first white Christmas in years!