We endured one crazy storm yesterday evening. You know it's bad news when the power goes out before the storm even hits. I was outside moving the sprinkler and saw a huge line of thunderheads coming. I could tell it was going to be a bad storm. I have never seen clouds that like before. When the storm hit we had hail balls about the size of large marbles pounding down with constant thunder and lightning. The wind was just ripping - I was seriously waiting for some of our trees to fall - luckily they didn't. Our neighbor, the farmer, had a surprise waiting for him after the storm - the top of one of his big trees broke off and landed on his fence. The storm was so intense - I was sure our cars were going to be dented up - which they weren't. But our garden has a different story. It was completely destroyed. Everything was shredded by the hail. The only thing we have left is whatever peas we haven't picked (that the deer didn't eat). There were so many leaves all over the yard - it looked like fall only with green leaves instead of dead leaves. I even saw a few trees around town this morning that didn't have a single leaf left on them. It was actually sort of exciting. But after the storm there was a huge and very bright double rainbow. My fav. The power was out for about 4 hours so Jake, Megan and I sat around the table with a candle and played a few games of Yahtzee. I am very glad the power is back on and extremely glad that I don't depend on my garden for my main source of food.
Whats left of our corn (and peas - although the peas were all eating by the deer).
Pumpkins. I was so excited to grow pumpkins this year.
We had a pretty bad storm last night too. Not nearly as bad as yours, but it was still pretty angry looking and even more angry sounding. Your poor garden. That really sucks!
Thats crazy! We had a pretty bad thunderstorm here too- with just a little rain. Then it cleared up. I guess down Salt Lake way they had a lot of action down there.
Good luck with the garden. Hopefully some will survive...
How did Sierra react to the thunder and hail? Perhaps your pumpkins will come back. Some plants are pretty resilient. That is an amazing rainbow. Margaret
How sad about your garden. I know that I love going out to mine to see what I can use for dinner each night. I'm sorry!! The double rainbow makes it a little better but I'm sure not completely. P.S. it was good to see you at the reunion!!
We had a pretty bad storm last night too. Not nearly as bad as yours, but it was still pretty angry looking and even more angry sounding. Your poor garden. That really sucks!
Thats crazy! We had a pretty bad thunderstorm here too- with just a little rain. Then it cleared up. I guess down Salt Lake way they had a lot of action down there.
Good luck with the garden. Hopefully some will survive...
That's crazy about the storm and the leaves and garden. I'm glad the hail didn't dent your cars, I'm always worried about that.
Just amazing!
Snow in July followed by a double rainbow!
Wow! The rainbow looks beautiful! I wish that we would get some moisture here. But, maybe leave the hail out of it :=)
How did Sierra react to the thunder and hail? Perhaps your pumpkins will come back. Some plants are pretty resilient. That is an amazing rainbow.
I am so sorry about your garden.
How sad about your garden. I know that I love going out to mine to see what I can use for dinner each night. I'm sorry!! The double rainbow makes it a little better but I'm sure not completely. P.S. it was good to see you at the reunion!!
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