Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hair Cut #2

Well, Maddie's first hair cut quickly became hair cut #2. Sierra did a great job chopping off Maddie's hair. You can kind of see in the picture where Sierra cut her hair. She cut the front and top along her part. This picture doesn't show it very well, but there are several times during the day that she looks like a little boy. I did think that Sierra looked like she was watching Megan a little too close the other day.


Anonymous said...

Do you think it is funny yet?

Anonymous said...

Maddie is still beautiful!!!

Melissa said...

She is SO cute! My boys skipped hair cutting and went straight to the furniture:-(

Lena Phillips said...

Haha! That cracks me up! Sierra just wants to be like her aunt Megan. She's a smart little cookie. Very observant.

Deb said...

Ali cut Parker's hair on his blessing day - and several times thereafter!

Anonymous said...

It helps that Maddie has short wispy hair~ so not too much damage was done.
If it had been a long flowing pony and Sierra cut half of it off it would be a bigger bummer.
I used to cut my hair when I was little too! I think it made my mom mad. :)