Today was Sierra's first day of pre school! She has been so excited for months to go to school. The pre school in Three Forks wont take kids until they are four, so she had to wait until her birthday. Which was only a week away by the time I got a hold of the school. We have been counting down the days - and today it finally arrived. She was so excited to take her backpack to fill it with papers from school to bring home. I have been so excited waiting to get her into school. I knew she would just love it. She has been needing an activity - and this is perfect! We had been prepping her for us to leave her at school and later Maddie and I will come and get her. Sierra did fine. Maddie on the other hand had a breakdown. We should have been prepping Maddie the whole time. She wanted to stay and play with friends. She cried the whole ride home and I had to talk her into getting out of the car. Next time, I think I am going to have a special activity planned for Maddie, so she doesn't feel left out while Sierra is having so much fun at school. When I picked up Sierra she was so excited to tell me she got SNACKS at school! Funny. She told Jake she met friends, made pumpkins, sang songs and talked. They did some cutting with scissors, so as soon as we got home Sierra wanted to start cutting again. I can't wait to see the pumpkin she made in school. They left them there. I knew they were making them (out of paper plates), and was bummed when Sierra told me they left them at school. I am so glad Sierra had such a fun time. I was a little worried it wouldn't meet my expectations, but it does to a "T". So excited! She gets to be in pre school for two years until Kindergarten. I am excited about that too. I think I am more excited than Sierra is. I think I am just so happy that Sierra finally has something fun and educational for her to do. :)