After the presents were all opened, it was cake time! Sierra has wanted a bee cake for months. One day she sat and look through all of my cake idea books. She still talks about her castle cake from last year. At first she wanted a dragon, then a dinosaur (not that there is much of a difference), then she saw a bee. Kind of a weird selection, but that was it... a bee! She talked and talked about a bee cake. She was so excited for her birthday so that she could have a bee cake. So, when the time came to make it, she was right there by my side the whole time. Checking out the whole process. After I cut out the shape and started frosting the yellow and black strips, it clicked in Sierra's brain. She could see how that was her bee cake. The one she has been dreaming about. She told me she was "super excited" for her cake! She was very pleased with the results. I stressed a little over it (which I do with every cake), but it did turn out cute.

We all had a fun time celebrating Sierra's 4th Birthday! Love that girl!
Is something wrong with the bee's eyes? Oh and what's with the big hole next to the wing? Just kidding! I see no imperfections. You did a great job! It turned out darling. The wings are especially cute.
Hope it was a fun and special day for Sierra. We love her so much!!!
P.S. Your house is so cute! I was looking at it in the background of the pictures. Can't wait to see it in person.
Cute, cute cake and cute, cute girl! What a fun party for a four year old. I'm glad she had such a nice day.
I agree with everything Lena and Brandi say-
What a cutie-
I want to see the birthday card that you made her too.
That is a fun party and great cake!
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