Saturday, March 13, 2010

Movie Night

Tonight we had our movie night. We have been doing a movie night about once a month for a few months now. We rent a kid movie, pop popcorn and cozy up in our jammies and watch our movie. We got this cool stove top popcorn popper for Christmas. We love it! The kids love to watch and listen to the popcorn. Plus it makes the best popcorn.

Here we are in our jammies waiting to start the movie. Maddie was super excited for this particular movie night. Not really sure why... I think it was the popcorn. We rented Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. It was a cute movie. Sierra was really into it.. she even teared up a little at the sad part (do 4 year olds really do that?)... I think we have a true girl on our hands. It was a fun movie night with a fun movie!

On a side note.. here is a cute picture Sierra drew in bed tonight. A gigantic dragon up in the clouds and snow with the people below. She loves dragons!


Lena Phillips said...

I love this idea! We'll have to do that when Sariah gets bigger. We watch movies a lot, but never kid movies, so I think it would be special to have a special time just for the kids.

I love Sierra's art. When she grows up and starts putting her art onto canvas or paper, I will be the first to buy it.

Ted and Hilery said...

Nora watched Tarzan the other day and when I went to check on her, she had tears streaming down her face because the Dad gorilla was killed. I felt so bad!

Jamie said...

What a fun family activity!! There is nothing like cuddling on the couch with your fam!

Brandi Schall said...

I'm glad you guys enjoy the popper! We need to do more movie nights as a family. I like the idea of shooting for one a month. I like the jammie idea, too. I had never thought to put them in their pajamas *before*. Makes so much sense.

Deb said...

Movie night sounds like so much fun - you have such a cute family.

Tami said...

How was the movie? Can they hang in there the whole time or do they fall asleep? And how about their Dad?
:) does he love kid movies?