This summer sure has been a busy one! Mostly yard work and stuff around the house, but those are the things that keep you going... right? The girls are in swimming lessons for the first time. They both love it!... although I don't really know any kid that doesn't love to swim. Jake's brother Ben, and sister Sara, stayed with us for a week. Then we went to Utah for a family reunion (Evans family) and attended Jake's Grandpa Evans funeral in Boise a few weeks after the reunion. Here are a bunch of random photos of our summer.

When we were in Boise we were parked at a gas pump right next to a big ol' fire truck. Of course the girls were in awe. The firemen were so nice to the girls, waving at them and talking to them (I'm sure it's in their job decription). Then they came over to our car and gave the girls their very own fire hats!!! So exciting!

Elsa and Sierra swimming at the hotel in Boise. We are lucky this summer and get to spend a lot more time with the Schall's then we normally do. It is great for the girls to get to play with their cousins a bunch this summer!

I was watering the flowers and over watered which made a "river". The girls, being true Montana girls, grabbed their fishing poles and started fishing.

We have BEAUTIFUL rainbows at our house. This one was probably the best... although I wasn't there to see it.

Fishing at the reunion. For the Schalls and Evans reading this... look closely at the canoe....

Jake sure is looking more and more like his dad.

Evans family reunion.

The iPod is the new coolest thing in the house. We can barely keep it charged any more.. with the constant use it is getting.
Well, I guess that is all the pics for now. We still have a quick trip to our neighbors cabin, a trip to Yellowstone, a trip to Elko, and a wedding planned for the next couple months... with lots of yard work in between. Summers sure are busy!!!!
What the crap is that thing in the boatvwith Jake and Jeff? Odd.
I wasn't in the boat.
Looks like AJ and Jeff... with Nick (?) in the middle. I don't remember Nick going out with them, doesn't look like he's helping to paddle!
Brooke, I am jealous you did your summer post. I still haven't blogged anything yet. I'm so pathetic.
I love that the girls got their poles for the "river"--too cute. I am glad we have seen you guys a lot this summer, too. And we'll see you again soon, yay!
I love the pics. Tyler would have had his fishing pole with the girls! Grandpa Great would have loved to see them fishing in the "river!"
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