Friday, May 25, 2012

Sierra Mae

Today is Sierra's last day of kindergarten!  Here is a picture of her first day and her last day!  She has grown so much this year!  She has grown a ton of independence and confidence!  She loves riding the bus and her favorite thing to do on the playground is SWING!  What girl doesn't love to swing?  It has been so fun to listen to her learn how to read and learn how to do math.  I have been really surprised what they teach the little kindergarteners these days!  I remember reading in first grade the same stuff Sierra has been reading in kindergarten!  She had such a great teacher who recognized each student individually and progresses them on their own level.  I love watching my girls get older and learn new things every day!  I am already looking forward to next year when Sierra and Maddie will be able to go to school together and watch out for each other.  First, lets see if I can make it through the summer!

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