Sierra had her first Christmas program at school lastnight. Sierra was Mary. They did a little summary of the birth of Jesus, then the kids sangs a few songs. Sierra was pretty much clueless about what was going on. I wish they would have told us which songs the kids were going to be singing, so we could help them out at home, but they didn't tell us anything. It was short and sweet, and fun that they had a Christmas program at her preschool. Maybe next year she will get it a little better.
In the video, Sierra is the short one in front. I seriously think she is the shorest one in the school (both AM and PM classes). I didn't realize she really is short. When I brought Sierra to school the first time both of her teachers commented on how little she was. I thought it was funny - but it is true.
Those kids behind her are her same age?! Wow! She is a shorty! That is such a funny video. Thats so cool that she got to be Mary! A main role! Way to go Sierra!
Well I think those kids behind her are on a step up.
I know, Sierra the STAR! She does just look like a Mary, so fair and sweet. So, I'm thinking about Elsa (and Olivia really) she acts the same way at our church programs, she doesn't really sing or join in, and Olivia is very shy and hangs back, never loud. I think it's just those great Schall genes coming out! She did great!
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