Congrats to Sierra! Her first year of preschool has come and gone. She really enjoyed school.... I'm sure most kids her age do. She has really learned a lot this year in school. She made lots of friends and made lots of cute crafty projects. :) She has one more year of preschool before she is off to the big school and full days. I'm glad that I have one more year with her at home.
This is a little video of one of the songs the kids sang for their graduation. (the boy next to Sierra is AJ)
I am also so glad Nora has another year at home. You must have all day kindergarten in Montana? Most of our kindergarten classes are all day but Nora's school currently has one 1/2 day class. So we'll see if they still do in 2012 but I may do that... just because I want her home more but I think she will be ready... since she will be turning 6 that September..
Sierra is such a cutie! I can't believe she is old enough to already have been thru preschool! What a fun thing though for her to participate in!
That sure flew by, didn't it?
I love her graduation hat. Very cute.
It is amazing how time flies. She looks so cute singing her song.
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