One day Jake and I were going for a walk... I asked him what he thought about building a shed. We walked around the property, talked it over, mapped it out and that was that, Jake was going to build us a shed! He got right on it and ordered all the lumber. As soon as the weekend rolled around, he got right to it!

He built the whole thing by himself.... well, I stained... but he did everything else. It's a 12x12 shed.
All framed up within a few hours!

Jake putting the siding up.

Getting ready to stain.

Jake cutting the tails off of the facia.

Getting started shingling
Time out for a few pics of the girls.

They were very good at entertaining themselves most of the time. They made their own see-saw.

A little too high for my comfort.
Back to the shed! Almost done!

I love this picture. You can see the big storm clouds all around. If you look closely, you can see the rain pouring down on Jake as he was finishing shingling the roof.

TA-DA! Finished! It took Jake about 2 days to build! It's nice having a carpenter around! :)
It is so beautiful!!!! I was so impressed with how fast he threw that up. He is talented for sure.
Lena said it all!
Looks awesome! Jake is one talented carpenter! That will be super nice for storage!
Wow- he is very talented, isnt he?
Great work!
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