(Sariah, Sierra, and Maddie)My mom, Lena and Sariah came for a visit this last weekend. I had such a good time, and I
know the little girls did too! It is ALWAYS nice to be around family. Lena took probably about 800 pictures (literally) and loaded about 400 of them on to my computer. But instead of going through the pictures and then writing a big blog about all the things we did, and how cute the girls were... I thought I would just link you to Lena's blog. She did a great job at blogging about the things we did while they were here. Click the links below to read about our visit. ;)
MiscellaneousMadison RiverPhotoshoot
Haha. You cheater. :)
Love that picture!
That is the cutest picture. I can't believe Sariah is that big!
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