Man, it sure is quiet and even a bit lonely without the girls. Brooke took the girls to Logan, Utah to visit Grandma and Grandpa and the rest of the family. They'll be gone for seven days.
It's only the third day and I find myself pacing trying to find things to do. I've already mowed the lawn and trimmed it, split wood, cleaned the inside and outside of my pickup, cleaned the terminals and connectors on my pickup battery, gone fishing, gone for walks with the dogs, picked up the house, swept and vacuumed the floors, did the dishes, and threw in some laundry. I do need to buy a few groceries today.
When the family is around, sometimes I feel like I have hardly any time to do anything. When they're gone you don't realize how much time the little ones consume. I don't know what I did without them. I must have been lazy before we had the kids because back then I still felt like I had too little time to do anything. I miss the girls.
I think I'll go to the gas station and buy a soda.