They're calling for -30 tonight. When I got to work this morning it was -25. It's a good thing that I'm working inside. All the roads are frozen over. It's so cold out that the air is filled with ice crystals. It's really quite impressive and beautiful to see. It makes me feel like I live in The Great North when I'm in town and see the roads covered with snow and ice. I don't know what we would do without a wood burning stove. The highs are supposed to be back up into the 20's by the end of the week. I love living in Montana!
All I can say Is BRRR.
Glad that YOU enjoy it!
It is amazing that people like the cold. I am always glad when it snows because it means it warmed up. We've been in single digits, but only 4 or 5 below at night. This surely isn't for me! Now that my grandbabies aren't here anymore, I wonder why I am.
I don't think I've ever been in that cold of weather. What do ice crystals look like in the air?
Salt Lake is plenty cold enough for us! I am enjoying it, especially after it snows (like today and yesterday) and it looks like a winter wonderland! So pretty. How much snow do you have sitting on the ground? Very much?
Jen and I went to Boise to visit Grams and Gramps. It was cold there, but when we drove into Cache Valley, the thermostat in the car registered -8. We almost turned around and went back to "balmy" Boise.
We've been watching the weather in Minneapolis. It has been -4, but feels like -30.
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