I've been tagged by Aunt Debbie to come up with six things about myself and since I'm usually a party-pooper when it comes to this kind of stuff, I decided to stop being lazy, sit down, and do it. Who knows, I might actually enjoy it and someone may learn something about me. So, here it goes.
- My favorite time of year is tied between Fall and Winter. I enjoy the cool-down with the crisp cool air and the colors of fall. I like the snow and solitude of winter. I like how it muffles the sounds of everything around. I like to heat the house with wood heat, and of course I love to ski.
- My favorite time of day is the early morning. I like to watch the sun come up. I like the quietness of the morning. No cars and no crazy kids running around the house like crazy animals.
- My favorite kind of music is bluegrass. I love to listen to a good string band, especially if its live. I really enjoy listening to the banjo and mandolin. I like good ol' rock and roll and always have, but bluegrass is my favorite.
- My passion in life is to fish. I love to fish! I like river fishing, trolling, ice fishing, ocean fishing, any kind of fishing really. If I could fish every day, I would. River fishing is my probably my favorite though.
- I always have to be doing something. I have to be out of the house by at least 10 in the morning or I get major cabin fever and I can get a little ornery. I like to be physical. I like to build things and tinker on things to keep me busy.
- I am pretty much a home body. I don't really like going to town. If I have enough stuff to do at home then I am totally content staying there. I don't really even like to eat out, but we do so Mama can have a break. If I do have to go to town I am usually out the door and to my destination when it opens. There arn't as many people and it leaves me the rest of the day to do what I want.
I tag Richard. That's all, just Richard. I know if you don't see this (Richard), Lena will, and she'll tell you to do it. So, I look forward to seeing your six very interesting facts about yourself. Thanks Aunt Debbie.